Atomic orbitals 7d wave function nodal structures

This page contains movies depicting the 7d orbital wave functions. In all cases the red zones are where the 7d wave functions have positive values and the white zones denote negative values. See the 7d electron density page for movies depicting the 7d electron density and nodal structures.

7dz2 orbital wave functions

Play this movie depicting the 7dz2 wave function (ψ7dz2) to get a clearer view of the nodal structure for this orbital.

The surface plot on the left shows values of (ψ7dz2) on a slice drawn through the nucleus and including the z-axis. The graph on the right is a plot of values along a single line drawn through the nucleus along the z axis. The 7dz2 orbital has two conical nodes. It has four spherical nodes. The higher d-orbitals (8d, 8d, ...) have more while lower orbitals ( 3d, 4d, 5d, and 6d) have fewer.

7dx2y2, 7dxy, 7dxz, and 7dyz orbital wave functions

Movie depicting the 7dx2y2 wave function (ψ7dx2y2). The x-axis lies from left to right and the y-axis into the screen away from you. This orbital is related to the 7dxy orbital (below) by a 45° rotation about the z-axis.

The graph on the left is a plot of values along a single line along the x=y line drawn through the nucleus while the surface plot on the right shows values of ψ7dxy on the xy plane drawn through the nucleus.

Movie depicting the 7dxy wave function (ψ7dxy). The plot on the left shows values of (ψ7dxy) on the xy plane drawn through the nucleus The x-axis lies from left to right and the y-axis into the screen away from you. The line plot on the right is along a single line along the x=y line drawn through the nucleus. The form of the plots for the 7dxz and 7dyz orbitals is similar, differing only in orientation.

Each of the 7dx2y2, 7dxy, 7dxz, and 7dyz orbitals have two planar nodes normal to the axis of the orbital. These orbitals have four spherical nodes. The higher d-orbitals (8d, 8d, ...) have more while lower orbitals ( 3d, 4d, 5d, and 6d) have fewer.

The OrbitronTM, a gallery of orbitals on the WWW:
Copyright 2002-2023 Prof. Mark Winter [The University of Sheffield]. All rights reserved.