Atomic orbitals: 4f electron "dot-density"

This page shows representations of electron density in two ways. The first is two-dimensional electron "dot-density" diagrams - plots across an appropriate plane of each 4f orbital. These were created using a Monte Carlo computational method. The second page allows you interact (zoom, rotate) with three-dimensional electron "dot-density" models representing electron density of the various 4f atomic orbitals created by the same Monte Carlo computational method. Green represents regions for which the wave functions are positive and white represents where values are negative.

4fz3, 4fx3, and 4fy3 electron "dot-density"

The 4fz3, 4fx3, and 4fy3 orbitals are all in the cubic set of 4f. Additionally, the 4fz3 orbital appears in the general set.

The first image shows a two-dimensional electron dot-density plot of the 4fz3 orbital (z-axis is vertical). The 4fx3, and 4fy3 plots are identical in appearance but respectively with x-axis vertical and y-axis vertical. The second image is an interactive (see below for instructions) represention of electron density in three-dimensions for the same orbitals.
Electron dot-density plot of the 4f_zzz orbital.

4fxz2 and 4fyz2 electron "dot-density"

The 4fxz2, 4fx3, and 4fy3 orbitals are both in the general set of 4f but neither is in the cubic set.

Electron dot-density plot of the 4f_xzz orbital.
The first image shows a two-dimensional electron dot-density plot of the 4fxz2 orbital (across the x=0 plane). The 4fyz2is identical in appearance but rotated by 90° about the y-axis. The second image is an interactive (see below for instructions) represention of electron density in three-dimensions for the same orbitals.

4fxyz and 4fz(x2-y2) electron "dot-density"

The 4fxyz and 4fz(x2-y2) orbitals are both in the general set of 4f and both in the cubic set. The cubic set also contains 4fx(z2-y2) and 4fy(z2-x2) orbitals which are the same in appearance, differing only in direction.

Electron dot-density plot of the 4f_xyz orbital.
The first image shows a two-dimensional electron dot-density plot of the 4fxyz orbital (across the x=y plane). The 4fxyz and 4fz(x2-y2) are related to each other by a 45° rotation about the z-axis. Each orbital has three nodal planes, which for the 4fxyz are the xy, xz, and yz planes. The second image is an interactive (see below for instructions) represention of electron density in three-dimensions for the same orbitals.

4fy(3x2-y2) and 4fx(x2-3y2) electron "dot-density"

The 4fy(3x2-y2) and 4fx(x2-3y2) orbitals are both in the general set of 4f but neither is in the cubic set.

The first image shows a two-dimensional electron dot-density plot of the 4fx(x2-3y2) orbital (across the z=0 plane, x axis pointing right). The 4fy(3x2-y2) orbital is identical in appearance but rotated by 90° about the z-axis. The second image is an interactive (see below for instructions) represention of electron density in three-dimensions for the same orbitals.
Electron dot-density plot of the 4f_xxx_3xyy orbital.

Using JSmol

You can use your mouse to manipulate the "orbital" in the "JSmol" image above. How you do this depends upon how you are viewing this page.

  • On a computer, to rotate about the x and y directions, drag mouse around the image
  • On a computer, to rotate about the z direction (which comes out of the screen towards you), hold shift and drag mouse horizontally
  • To zoom, hold shift key down and drag mouse vertically
  • To reset the image, hold down shift key and double click ony part of the image not containing dots
  • On a mobile device experiment using one or two fingers to rotate and zoom

The OrbitronTM, a gallery of orbitals on the WWW:
Copyright 2002-2023 Prof. Mark Winter [The University of Sheffield]. All rights reserved.