X Number (XN) grid

X number (XN) grid

The intensity of the colour of each table cell is related to the percentage of compounds for that element found with the X number (XN) associated with that cell. Select any entry in the table to see compounds of that element with that XN count in the MLXZ equivalent neutral class (ENC).

XN↓ Cr Mo W Sg
0 18 13 17 0
1 1 0.5 0 0
2 18 21 18 0
3 36 8 3 0
4 10 25 22 0
5 5 6 5 0
6 12 26 35 0
7 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0
594 626 629 0

Total number of compounds: 1849