Prof Mark J. Winter
Web sites under development
- The Orbitron gallery of atomic orbitals and a few molecular orbitals
- Sheffield ChemPuter interactive calculators for chemistry:
- Isotope Patterns
- Element percentages
- Reaction yield
- Classification
- Valence number (VN)
- Coordination number (CN)
- Oxidation number (ON)
- MLXZ classification
- MLXZ equivalent neutral class (ENC) classification
- VSEPR shape of simple molecules
- VSEPR tutorial
- WebElements: the periodic table on the web
- Chemdex: compounds database (β version)
Very early days on the WWW
- H.S. Rzepa, B.J. Whitaker, and M.J. Winter, "Chemical applications of the World-Wide-Web system", J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1994, 1907-1910, The original web version is here.
- H.S. Rzepa, B.J. Whitaker, and M.J. Winter, "Surfing the Chemical Net", Chemistry in Britain, 1995, 1907-1910. The original web version is here.
Prof Mark J. Winter
[Department of Chemistry, The University of Sheffield]. All rights reserved.